* Highlights * * TROUBLE FOR THE FBI ? In Florida ? Castro refugee spies sent to watch progress of space program.? Most of this has been and will be suppressed from the public. * THE DEVIL?S GREATEST HOAX ? The Lord shows me to trap many Pentecostals, satan devised a clever snare during this Revival.? During the outpouring many Catholics and Nominals came over among the wheat (true believer) and some received the Holy Ghost, but others received nothing and are a counterfeit.? Satan has to become just like the real thing in order to deceive the foolish. * THE APPEARANCE OF THE FALLEN ANGEL WITH CATHOLICISM ? It will happen soon!? It will spread as the most popular religion of the world.? Its growth will now take on unbelievable proportions. * WILL GOD ALLOW SOME EARTHQUAKES TO OPEN SOME GRAVES.? SO SOME SAINTS CAN WALK AMONG THE BRIDE AT ?RAPTURE TIME?? * GREAT REVIVAL IN THE WEST ? I was shown from the Lord somewhere in the West, a great moving of His Spirit will take place.? People will travel from all over the country into this place.? Miracles of Creations will take place, the dead will be raised in certain cases.? At this time everyone that approaches will be healed, that he has drawn by His Spirit. * THE PILLAR OF FIRE AND THE BRIDE ? Now the Pillar of Fire that Moses saw will settle completely on the elect at harvest time for a separation to reveal His fullness and the closeness of His coming.? When the Word (Jesus) and the Bride becomes one (united together)? Then the Bride is headed for a spiritual climax! |