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Prophetic Scroll #177

Prophetic Scroll #177

Prophetic Scroll #177

* Highlights *

* A Prophetic Look ? momentous changes are transforming the world ? dramatic events are shaking and pulling the nations into the orbit of world government and leader

* Time Door ? James Ussher in the 16th century worked out a Biblical chronology that is still usable for our day

* According to the belief of many Mongolians and Tibetans, from within some ancient tunnels from an underground city comes forth a strange prophecy

* Time door in the future ? after great misery for mankind (Tribulation) an even greater approaches ? it will rain blood, milk (ashes), famine, war and disease

* Times Phases ? at some point a sinister figure appears, the anti-christ ? he will have a series of summit conferences with the Communists, Asians and the U.S.A. ? he will also get complete control of the European nations

SKU 0SC-177
Quantity in stock 1000 item(s) available
Our price: $1.00
Quantity (1000 available)

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