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Prophetic Scroll #263

Prophetic Scroll #263

Prophetic Scroll #263

* Highlights *

* Witnessing Prophecy ? the Scripts are fulfilling and they haven?t seen anything yet ? food shortage, famines, drought, plagues, floods and storms

* Immorality Sign ? at night in the cities sexual deeds are more or as openly performed as in a house of prostitution ? the same things were done on the streets of Sodom

* Catastrophic Conditions ? the last minutes of God?s clock are ticking ? the heavenly pendulum is swinging; the time of all things is at hand

* Awesome Movement ? the climate is erratic ? ocean levels are rising ? Jesus is alerting us for His return ? never in history have we seen so many prophecies occurring

* What?s Next ? the ending of the Church Age ? the prophetic clock is ticking and He will come to those who love His appearing

SKU 0SC-263
Quantity in stock 1000 item(s) available
Our price: $1.00
Quantity (1000 available)

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