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Prophetic Scroll #098

Prophetic Scroll #098

Prophetic Scroll #098

* Highlights *

* The Tower of Babel ? the prophetic sign ? the world?s first civilization sprang forth from the plains of Mesopotamia known today as Iraq (Babylon)

* The famine sign ? droughts, famines and conditions of war

* The Heavens ? prophetic signs (Luke 21:25) ? the Scriptures refer to the heavenly bodies, constellations, planets, sun and the moon, etc.

* The comet?s significance ? the book of Revelation does not use the word ?Comet? but does speak of falling stars and breaking up of asteroids, meteorites, etc.

* The prophetic block of nations ? Daniel 11:40-45

* The age finishes up finally with a space orbital and missile war

SKU 0SC-098
Quantity in stock 1000 item(s) available
Our price: $1.00
Quantity (1000 available)