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Prophetic Scroll #152

Prophetic Scroll #152

Prophetic Scroll #152

* Highlights *

* Israel And Prophecy ? their real enemy is slowly rising who will act as their friend at first

* The Famine Sign ? with the exploding population we are suddenly brought face to face with the approaching of world hunger such as history has never seen

* Prophetic Scriptures ? the Bible gives a definite warning to the people who live in the latter days ? Isaiah 5:8-9

* End Time Prophecy ? Isaiah 17:12-14 ? surely as one reads this they can sense the age that surrounds us now and the ominous conclusion of nations

* Science ? Inventions And Prophecy ? lately, because of the breakthrough in many new inventions including the super conductor, science claims that it will bring us to the threshold of a new age

* Science is trying to assume God-like powers in many ways

SKU 0SC-152
Quantity in stock 1000 item(s) available
Our price: $1.00
Quantity (1000 available)