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Prophetic Scroll #171

Prophetic Scroll #171

Prophetic Scroll #171

* Highlights *

* The Eyes Of The Prophets ? according to Amos 3:7, the Lord?s people will definitely be informed of how our age will end

* An exciting view of what the end of the age looked like through the visionary eyes of the prophets

* Isaiah 2:7 ? Isaiah was speaking of the last days ? he said there was no end of the chariots (cars)

* Isaiah 31:5 ? he saw the modern aircraft of today and the Atomic War in several places

* Ezekiel went into the future and saw the Battle of Armageddon and how it would occur

* Joel Chapter 2 ? he saw the earth as a Garden of Eden, and because of an Atomic flame of fire, he saw it in total desolation

SKU 0SC-171
Quantity in stock 1000 item(s) available
Our price: $1.00
Quantity (1000 available)