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Prophetic Scroll #183

Prophetic Scroll #183

Prophetic Scroll #183

* Highlights *

* The Beginning Of The End ? this Script belongs to your set of heavenly signs ? it will prove to be very valuable concerning the vital era ahead

* A prophecy made by a Jewish astronomer (magi) who was said to be the most noted since the days of Christ

* What you will read has been predicted on the Scripts since the 1960?s bearing witness to the soon terrible cataclysm of planet Earth

* Years ago the Scripts predicted a tremendous super axis shift ? with the suddenness and jolt of the shift scientists say we can expect 1000-foot waves travelling a 1000 miles per hour and a 1000 miles per hour wind will shred the cities completely

* Strange Prophecy ? Rome and the Babylon churches fall back into paganism through this beast of terror

SKU 0SC-183
Quantity in stock 1000 item(s) available
Our price: $1.00
Quantity (1000 available)