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Prophetic Scroll #248

Prophetic Scroll #248

Prophetic Scroll #248

* Highlights*

* China And The Kings Of The East ? China and her satellites will be a great block of trading nations with the world just before the age ends

* The Age Of The Dragon ? China uses the dragon as its symbol, but the real dragon is worldwide Babylon (Revelation 12:3)

* The Thousand Year Sign ? in the first thousand years, the fall came (Adam and Eve) ? Enoch was translated and Adam died just before the first thousands years ended

* Little Gods ? Satan has always tried to take the place of God to the point of false creation ? today scientists are trying to build up cloning in their achievements

* The saints are not cloned ? they are predestined and have eternal life through salvation

SKU 0SC-248
Quantity in stock 1000 item(s) available
Our price: $1.00
Quantity (1000 available)