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Prophetic Scroll #254

Prophetic Scroll #254

Prophetic Scroll #254

* Highlights *

* Prophecy Leaps Forth ? Chinese leader arrived in U.S.A. to talk to President Clinton and they signed an agreement on trade ? suddenly Asia is awakening, as the Kings of the East prepare

* The earth is soon to enter a global empire ? it is already prepared underneath

* Strange events are occurring ? mutation of frogs (by cloning or chemical) in lakes and ponds in Minnesota and other places

* World Out Of Balance ? a teenager in Mississippi killed his mother and then went to school and murdered and wounded many other teenagers

* The Miraculous Gospel ? the believer is living in a marvelous hour ? a mother?s love and faith touched the heart of Jesus ? for His mercy endureth forever

SKU 0SC-254
Quantity in stock 1000 item(s) available
Our price: $1.00
Quantity (1000 available)