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Prophetic Scroll #022

Prophetic Scroll #022

Prophetic Scroll #022

* Highlights *

* A HARVEST OF JUDGMENT IS COMING ? Thunder over USA.? Catastrophic events of a volcanic nature!? The world and USA is in for some tragic events gigantic in scope!? Never before in History will the world see such changes, violence and upheavals in Leadership!

* THE POLICE SYSTEM of this nation will be mobilized as well as the Armed Forces.? Events of a volcanic erupting order take place, followed by death and calamity!? I see the picture is grim and fearful!

* THE HAND WRITTEN MESSAGE BY THE FINGER OF GOD TO BABYLON ? Just before Babylon fell in Daniel?s day the last message was a written one (warning) Now today there is another message to the modern Babylon.? Revelation 17:5 -? Written by the finger of God, the anointed Scrolls.

* THE NATION IS GOING INTO CATASTROPHIC CONVULSIONS AS WE ENTER A NEW ERA OF TIME ? The USA is destined for a rendezvous with fate.? This age the Lord tells me is giving way to a new age.

* MYSTERY AND DRAMA RISING ? We are moving into heights unknown at incredible speeds.? Strange, spontaneous occurrences tantamounting to mystery and intrigue ? The next few years will be catastrophe on the order of the spectacular with unexpected changes.

* THE POPE ? The Pope will be criticized but I see great attention around him, more than in all his life.? Many sudden surprises are in store concerning him.?

* A PROPHETIC TYPE OF THE MARRIAGE SUPPER (Genesis 18:8) ? God sits down and eats with Abraham.? The Lord ate with Abraham a prophetic type of the marriage supper with the elect seed after the rapture.? Revelation 19:7.

SKU 0SC-022
Quantity in stock 1000 item(s) available
Our price: $1.00
Quantity (1000 available)

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