* Highlights * * Crime And Chaos ? what is the significance of the rise of crime and lawlessness? * Drug gangs are appearing in many locations actually armed with weapons of war * Prophetic Harbingers ? locusts in many parts of the world during the past few years have been out of control * Serious implications concerning the march of the fire ants * The Moral Dilemma ? the same as nature, people?s morals are out of order * Shades Of Hell ? birds along the west coast (San Francisco area) were confused with males trying to mate with males and females with females * Mystery And Commercial Babylon ? the Mustang Ranch, a legal brothel (prostitution house) in Nevada, has been bought and put up for stocks on Wall Street * Satanism On The Rise ? witchcraft and sorcery are rampant ? ritual slayings, as many as 15 to 20 people at one time, associated with opium and drugs |